Freedom Activities

  • 02 min read
  • 14 May 2024
Freedom Activities

Freedom Activities CIC

Freedom Activities CIC are a not-for-profit local community interest company offering inclusive fun sports and physical activity sessions within and around Pershore. Our aim is to provide a safe and fun environment for all participants to enjoy our sessions whilst improving fitness levels, mental and emotional wellbeing and having the opportunity to meet new people. All sessions we run are very sociable offering refreshments and the chance to enjoy the social aspect of the group. Young at Heart Young at Heart is a gentle yet effective exercise class, run to music, inclusive for seniors of all abilities and ages. The class also includes a game of Boccia (indoor bowling). Classes are held in Pershore every Monday 1.15 - 2.15pm at Pershore Leisure Centre and every Friday 10-11am at Eckington Village Hall. Each class is £4 and includes refreshments. young-at-heart.html

Pershore Plummies Walking Netball is a fun social inclusive version of netball. It is suitable for all genders and may appeal to those who are new to netball and prefer a slower pace of the game. We meet every Tuesday 12-1pm at Pershore Leisure Centre. Sessions cost £4.50 and for those who become regular players a free club t-shirt is available. Pershore Plum Stars FC Walking Football

Pershore Plum Stars FC Walking Football is a fun sociable version of football inclusive to all and open to players of all genders. No previous football experience is required. We meet every Thursday 11am-12pm at Pershore and District Sports Club. Sessions cost £4.50 with tea and coffee included. pershore-plum-stars-fc.html pershore-plummies.html If you would be interested in finding out more about our fun, sociable activities. Please get in touch with Lorna on:07904 354642 or email: Find us on Facebook at freedomactivities123