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August gardening tips by Reg Moule

What needs doing in the garden during August!

August Gardening Tips

Early in the month

Keep dead-heading flowering plants and picking beans to maintain production.

Liquid feed bedding plants in tubs and baskets but switch to high Nitrogen feed which stimulates new growth for flowering later.

If carrot fly bothers you, grow the crop under garden fleece or insect barrier mesh for excellent control.

Thin out overcrowded water lily foliage on ponds.

Start preparing the soil for laying new lawns next month.

Vine Weevils will be laying eggs in tubs and containers now. One sure remedy is to water the compost with Bug Clear Ultra Vine Weevil Killer which makes the compost vine weevil proof for two months. For natural control use nematodes or put a half inch deep layer of horticultural grit on the surface of the compost to deter successful egg laying and larvae development.


Take cuttings from Geraniums, Fuchsias, Penstemons and other semi-hardy plants.

Keep Camellias, Hydrangeas, Magnolias, Pieris, Rhododendrons and Azaleas well watered to prevent bud drop later.

Semi-ripe cuttings can be taken from a wide range of shrubs.

Pot some strawberry runners into 18cm (7in) pots. Leave them outside until January then put them in the greenhouse for an early crop.

Trim over lavender, Santolina (cotton lavender), Helichrysum (curry plant) lightly after flowering.

Sow last outdoor carrots, lettuce, radish and spinach beet in the vegetable garden.

Sow Japanese onion seeds soon or buy autumn planting onion sets next month.

Summer prune Wisteria – cut back all new growth to five leaves up from where it arises from main branch, unless it is required to extend the plant.

Sow Browallia, Schizanthus and Calceolaria in the greenhouse for winter pot plants.

Plant young strawberry runners for cropping next year.

Take Hydrangea cuttings – they could make a flowering pot plant for next year.

Try collecting some seed from your own garden plants – you could get a new variety.

Take cuttings from heathers. Use 2.5 cm (1in) long shoot tips. Root in gritty compost.

Look out for specially stored early seed potatoes, plant soon for new potatoes for Christmas dinner.

Later this month

Spring flowering bulbs will be around now. Buy Colchicums, Madonna lilies and Autumn flowering crocus soon.

Gather up and dispose of diseased rose leaves as they fall. Prune rambler roses.

Summer prune trained forms of fruit trees.

Clean and check over greenhouse heaters.

Pot up some herbs dug from the garden ready to bring indoors in October for winter use.

Sow a final batch of parsley seed outdoors and some spring cabbage.

Check over any bulbs e.g. tulips that you have in store to ensure that they are fit to re-plant.

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